
Global problems require global solutions. The world as we know it is currently facing its greatest moment of uncertainty. Nation-states and free markets have both failed to create a fair world that protects the human race, animals, and the planet. Governments furthermore, have shown that they do not have enough power to truly influence supranational public policies, and their role is marginal compared to the need to curb ongoing local and global abuses of power. There is an urgent need to create new political entities that go beyond the concept of “nation” and consider planet Earth as a single entity, as it truly is. These entities should become advocates for common and glocal (global-local) values. This is why Humanity was born—the first global movement dedicated to defending human rights and Mother Earth.

First of all, Humanity wants to promote the creation of a world parliament under the auspices of the United Nations, which aims to ensure that the laws of each state are in accordance with the principle of the “One Earth” which is described trough the following points: 

  • Recognition of Planetary Interconnectedness: The World Parliament is founded on the fundamental principle that the Earth is an interconnected entity, with human beings, ecosystems, and all forms of life sharing a common destiny. It acknowledges that the actions of a single state or individual can have direct or indirect consequences on others, requiring global consideration and shared responsibility.
  • Mutual Respect: The World Parliament promotes mutual respect among all states and individuals, recognizing the cultural, political, and social diversity of the world. Each state and individual has the right to express their opinions and interests, but is also obligated to consider global interests and act responsibly for the common good of humanity and the planet.
  • Protection of the Environment and Sustainability: The World Parliament is committed to safeguarding the environment and promoting global sustainability. Member states must adopt policies and laws that protect and conserve natural resources, reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean and sustainable energy, and effectively address climate change in a collaborative manner.
  • Promotion of Universal Human Rights: The World Parliament is dedicated to promoting universal human rights worldwide. All member states must respect and ensure fundamental human rights, such as freedom of expression, the right to education, the right to health, gender equality, and respect for diversity.
  • International Cooperation: The World Parliament promotes international cooperation and dialogue among member states to effectively address global challenges. Collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and resources are encouraged to tackle issues such as poverty, hunger, inequality, humanitarian crises, conflicts, and threats to global peace and security.
  • Sustainable and Equitable Development: The World Parliament is committed to promoting sustainable and equitable development worldwide. This entails the eradication of extreme poverty, equitable access to resources and opportunities, the reduction of social and economic inequalities, and the promotion of a global economy based on social justice, ethics, and environmental responsibility.
  • Review of State Laws: The World Parliament is responsible for reviewing whether the laws and policies adopted by individual member states align with the principles of “One Earth”. Each member state is required to submit its laws and policies for review and assessment by the World Parliament to ensure conformity with the established principles. This process will be based on transparency, fairness, and consultation with experts and stakeholders, aiming to ensure that laws are just, effective, and respectful of “One Earth”.
  • Sanctions and Incentives: In the event that a member state violates the principles of “One Earth” or fails to adopt adequate measures to comply with them, the World Parliament may take corrective measures. These may include diplomatic, economic, or other appropriate sanctions to incentivize compliance with global principles and the restoration of environmental and social balance.
  • Recognition of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities: The World Parliament recognizes that member states have common but differentiated responsibilities in protecting “One Earth”. Developed countries, given their historical environmental impact and greater resources, must take a leading role in promoting sustainability and supporting developing countries in transitioning towards sustainable development models.
  • Citizen Engagement and Active Participation: The World Parliament encourages active citizen engagement in building a sustainable world. It promotes democratic participation, the right to information, and the involvement of civil society in decisions related to “One Earth” to ensure inclusive, transparent, and accountable governance.

    By adhering to the principle of “One Earth”, the World Parliament commits to promoting peace, justice, sustainability, and the well-being of all living beings on the planet, laying a solid foundation for building a fair, prosperous, and harmonious future for humanity and our one and only Earth.

    Every world party can be voted from every country and the parliament will not be divided by nations but by movements and ideas from all over the world. Representations will be guaranteed by the regulation which will ensure that each region is properly represented.

    Artificial intelligence is used to aid the legislative process and monitoring on local laws

Program of Humanity:

  1. Establishing a Universal Basic Income.
  2. Educating the population to interact constructively and consciously with artificial intelligence and promote its regulation.
  3. Involve people in politics by any means.
  4. Genuinely supporting sustainable development and environmental protection.
  5. Promoting and defending the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU through every means possible.
  6. Promoting peace, justice, and international cooperation without economic compromises.
  7. Promoting the importance of scientific studies of human consciousness.

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